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Support Us
Donations go toward workshop trainers and TAs, program management, materials and equipment, as well as after-program support for participants. As a 501(c)3 nonprofit, Tech-Moms depends on generous donations from organizations and individuals like you.
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Title Sponsors
Tech-Moms Sponsors
Platinum SponsorMarket Star Tech-Moms Platinum Sponsor, helping women find meaningful careers in tech | Platinum SponsorDegreed Tech-Moms Platinum Sponsor, helping women find meaningful careers in tech | Platinum Sponsor1800 Contacts Tech-Moms Platinum Sponsor, helping women find meaningful careers in tech |
Gold SponsorOverstock Tech-Moms Platinum Sponsor, helping women find meaningful careers in tech | Gold Sponsorebay Tech-Moms Platinum Sponsor, helping women find meaningful careers in tech | Silver SponsorNu Skin Tech-Moms Platinum Sponsor, helping women find meaningful careers in tech |
Silver SponsorThe Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints Tech-Moms Platinum Sponsor, helping women find meaningful careers in tech | Silver SponsorAlbum VC Tech-Moms Platinum Sponsor, helping women find meaningful careers in tech |
Community Partners
Upword Resume Tech-Moms Community Partner, helping women find meaningful careers in tech
Club Ability Tech-Moms Community Partner, helping women find meaningful careers in tech
Stem Action Center Utah Tech-Moms Community Partner, helping women find meaningful careers in tech
Upword Resume Tech-Moms Community Partner, helping women find meaningful careers in tech
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