Ready to dive in and find that next role? We're here to help! Job placement can be daunting, but there are so many tools, tips and tricks to make this process easier. Check out the list below and be sure to comment and let us know of great resources we should add!
Organizations and Websites - Nonprofit focus on job search resources
Fairstream - Online recruitment event platform
Videos & Podcasts
Navigating the job search road map (Apex Systems & Tech-Moms)
How to maintain a positive mindset through your job search (Tech-Moms)
Recruiting 101: All you need to know (Tech-Moms)
Get Hired Podcast (LinkedIn)
Books & Articles
Resume Resources
Building your resume for workforce re-entry or career pivot (Red Rocket Resume & Tech-Moms)
RedRocketResume - Resume writing (some free resources and paid resume creation service)
MyPerfectResume - Free resume examples for all career levels (paid services available)
How to write an effective resume (resume building for early-mid career professionals) (Tech-Moms)